Here are some projects that I've recently worked on.
Next Portfolio
Next Portfolio
Tech used-Emotion, React, Redux, Next.js, HSTS, Open Graph, Vercel, Chakra UI
Developed an Portfolio with React, Next.js, and Chakra UI, deployed on Heroku and Netlify, leveraging MongoDB for seamless user experiences.
Enhanced security with HSTS, optimized SEO with Open Graph, and ensured smooth deployment with Vercel integration.
Future enhancements include user authentication, payment gateway integration, and advanced search features.
Amar's Ecommerce
Amar's Ecommerce
I made this ecommerce with backend which is deployed on Heroku and frontend(React) deployed on Netlify.
MongoDB as database
Suggest me things i can create on it to add on ?
Website Link =>
Cms Link =>
Vue Dashboard
Vue Dashboard
Crafted a sleek Vue.js dashboard using Vue 3, enhanced with custom CSS for unique visual appeal.
Seamlessly integrated data visualization and user interaction, delivering an intuitive user experience.
Engineered for scalability and performance, promising a responsive and dynamic interface.
Interview Assignment Dashbaord
Interview Assignment Dashbaord
Designed an interview assignment dashboard with Redux, React Router 6, and React, optimized as a Progressive Web App (PWA) for offline access.
Seamlessly deployed on Vercel, styled with Tailwind CSS, and enhanced with Typescript for robust performance and maintainability.
Delivers a seamless user experience with dynamic routing, state management, and responsive design.
Portfolio 7
Portfolio 7
This is a portfolio website built using React, Node Sass, and styled-components. It showcases the skills, projects, and experiences of the developer. The website has a modern and responsive design, with smooth animations and transitions
Google App Script
SmallCase Clone
Toys and Stationary E-commerce Website
Toys and Stationary E-commerce Website
The Toys and Stationary E-commerce Website is an online platform designed for selling various toys and stationary items in an eco-friendly manner.
The website is built using Next.js, React, and other libraries and technologies to provide a seamless and engaging shopping experience for users.
Kendo With Backend
Kendo With Backend
This is a toy project that showcases the integration of Kendo React components in a web application. The project includes both client-side and server-side implementations using various libraries and technologies.