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Hi, I’m Amar Gupta.

Welcome to my corner of the internet, where you can find my works, thoughts, favourite beer and other random things.

Ok, but who are you?

I’m a curiosity-driven, design-focused developer, building rich, user-centric, inclusive experiences on the web.

Feel free to have a look around, and learn more about myself and what I like to work on.

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Featured Projects

  • Next Portfolio

    Next Portfolio

    Tech used-Emotion, React, Redux, Next.js, HSTS, Open Graph, Vercel, Chakra UI

    Developed an Portfolio with React, Next.js, and Chakra UI, deployed on Heroku and Netlify, leveraging MongoDB for seamless user experiences.

    Enhanced security with HSTS, optimized SEO with Open Graph, and ensured smooth deployment with Vercel integration.

    Future enhancements include user authentication, payment gateway integration, and advanced search features.

  • Amar's Ecommerce

    Amar's Ecommerce

    I made this ecommerce with backend which is deployed on Heroku and frontend(React) deployed on Netlify.

    MongoDB as database

    Suggest me things i can create on it to add on ?

    Website Link =>

    Cms Link =>

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